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Lee’s Summit Day of Awesome!

How cool is it that friends will come from near and far to show their support and say hello in PERSON – even though you “see” each other nearly every day online?

Such was my day yesterday in the beautiful city of Lee’s Summit, Missouri!

Completely bamboozled, stressed out in a flurry of activity of getting quilts set up for the presentation, unpacking boxes in a hurry to set up the book signing table with crowds of folks waiting for me to “Open, open, open!” I didn’t even notice who had snuck into the wings, just hanging out at the way back.

My dear friend Kevin the Quilter!  So good to see you, Kevin! 

And it was such a short hello – a hug, a selfie, and off he went because his life is just as busy too.

But real hugs are ALWAYS the best gift of the day!  And there were many!

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