A while back I created a Facebook page for Coconut & Lime and I just realized I never posted about it. So, if you are on Facebook and want to sign up as a fan of C & L, go ahead! You can even post pictures of foods you've made from my recipes, which I know some people have expressed an interest in.
In tangentially related news, my husband's aunt (my aunt-in-law?) has started a internet dating site with a twist-style dating. You can meet people who have similar style and taste as you do. She's based out of LA, but they have members from all over the world. Her site, Casagogo.com is one of this week's sponsors of Coconut & Lime, so go over to the right side column and check it out.
Oh and speaking of LA, recently I was interviewed by a reporter for the LA Times in an article about saving money while grocery shopping. Many of my tips including shopping for staples while they are on sale near the holidays and menu planning were featured. Read the article here.