Last night was our guild flea market where you can bring stuff you want to get rid of and sell it to someone else who wants it. There were lots of interesting things, some of the "higher" priced items like sets of antique quilt blocks, or finished tops that needed to find a home were auctioned off..the bidding was fast and furious and quite funny. There were even some NON quilt items up for auction. I came home with a pool cue in a leather carrier for Jeff. He will be tickled I think....but he won't see it til later in the week. He is in Greenville with a friend and his cousin having a blast.
After the auction part was over, the flea market part started! Someone had all these fabric pieces and they were going for 25 cents each piece! One of the pieces had more than a yard in it. I couldn't resist, even though I said I didn't need more fabric, who can pass it up..most of it was 1/2 yard or more...for 25 cents?
The three red pieces are an older (like late 1980s to early 1990s) Jinny Beyer fabrics. No date on the selvege, but no www.rjr.com either, so it was before internet! (Doesn't it feel weird to say that..to remember life before internet?) They remind me of the antique dutch chintzes that I saw in the netherlands, so I snatched them up for a "some day" repro dutch quilt.
The others I snatched because they were different, but went well with the style of things I like. They all smell like they've been stored in moth balls (ackk..phheww!) and so they are now in the washing machine to get the stink out.
My blurb on the workshop for next month went well and a lot of ladies seem interested to want to give the "simply strippy" quilt a try. It's super simple and I know it will be a fun night of sewing and snacking and laughter and fun visiting. I like the workshop nights the best.