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And Spring Comes Blooming -

The old apple tree at Quiltville Inn is blooming!

Barely pink – and so delicate.  My heart leapt when I also saw the tiny leaves beginning to unfurl.  Bees will be buzzing.  Spring is here.

I have no idea how old this apple tree is.  Truth be told, the apples on it aren’t that great, no one has tended the old apple tree for decades and it’s kind of grown amok. 

But the sweetest blossoms – with some pruning and care, could this tree return to productivity?

In the past 2 years (Yes, 2 years in the next 2 weeks that this place has been ours!) the apples have proven to be mealy, not much taste, buggy, and the only folks appreciative of this trees fruitful efforts are the deer who come to gobble up anything that has fallen to the ground.
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