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Cheesy Creasy Green Grits

2 cups yellow stone-ground grits
6 cups water or chicken stock
1 cup grated extra sharp cheddar*
4 bunches creasy greens, leaves finely chopped (about 3 1/2-4 loose cups of chopped greens)
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 tablespoon crushed red pepper flakes


Heat a small amount of oil in a medium skillet. Saute the garlic and pepper flake until fragrant, 2-3 minutes then add the greens and saute until wilted, 3-5 minutes. Set aside.

Meanwhile, in a medium pot, bring the water or stock to a boil. Add the grits and stir continually for about 10 minutes or until all the broth is absorbed. Remove from the heat and stir in the cheese and greens. Keep covered until ready to serve.

*I used a mix of Cabot Seriously Sharp Cheddar and their Extra Sharp Cheddar

My thoughts:
I was excited to see creasy greens in the local-only produce box this week so I switched my order to that vs my usual mixed box. I had to google creasy greens to figure out exactly what they were! It turns out they are a spring green that are a popular plant to forage for in WV. How fun! I ended up with an enormous bag so I divided them up to make these grits and saved some to make another recipe that I hope to post here. They have a peppery bite sort of like arugula or watercress (that is what I would sub in, if you can't find creasy greens) but the flavor lingers in your mouth more. I thought creamy, cheesy grits would be the perfect way to highlight their flavor while tempering it a bit. I'm not sure what a traditional way to make creasy greens is but this is a must-try!

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