This week submission contains 11 War of Spanish Succession troops. These are Foundry figures. I've painted them like the "Old Yellow" uniforms for the Spanish. Also I painted these with oil paints and this was my attempt at painting troops in mass with oil paints.
I have no idea if the commander of this group had a green jacket or not but I liked it so I went with it.
I still have to work on painting flesh at this scale. I haven't found a good technique I like.
Painting mass troops with oils? Wow, you're a braver (and more patient) man than me Victor. Good on you! I really like the yellow coats with the blue facings - very sharp. If you ever wish to try doing flesh tones with acrylics I can recommend both the Vallejo and Foundry flesh 'systems'. Another quick cheat is to use a midtone flesh colour, apply a wash like the P3 Formula Flesh Wash (most paint ranges have something similar), retouch the raised areas with the same midtone colour and then for a final highlight, add a bit of white to the mix. Works a doodle for rank-and-file figures.
55 points for your climb up the roster. Well done!