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MarkH - 15mm WWII German Tanks (30 Points)

Hi Guys

Busy painting week this week but not a lot got finished. There is lots of stuff on the table including 4x 24 man Confederate ACW units (which may be done by next week). Several other 15mm Flames of War units and 21x 28mm Samurai Bandits. (I seem to have the dreaded finishing disease at the moment...)

So this weeks submission is 5x 15mm Tanks

3 Jadpanthers and 2 Panther G's

I've done them with a bit of wear and tear and used filters and streaking effects similar to last weeks submission with the Panzer III in 28mm. The effect isn't quite as good in 15mm but they stand out well on the table top.

Left and right side of Jadpanther 212.

Left and right side of Jadpanther 213.

Left and right side of Jadpanther 214.

I used a mixture of Tamiya and Vallejo Paints and Ak interactive enamel washes.

Left and right side of Panther 420.

Left and right side of Panther 421.

No idea what a 15mm large tank is worth in points but at least i finished something.  


'Interactive enamel washes'? What is this heretical sorcery? I'm barely interactive when I'm at my hobby desk and certainly don't like the idea of being upstaged by my paint. Seriously though, these are beautiful looking tanks Mark - the camo looks brilliant and so does the weathering.
These five will give you 30 points, but your description of your painting queue sounds very impressive and I sense an impending points bomb on the horizon.  Now, back to work! 

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