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From MartinC: 15mm Classical Indian Army plus Alice (155 Points)

After a very nice Christmas with the family and utterly butchering my diet I'm back at the desk. My main Christmas present from the family was a 15mm Classical Indian Army, Essex Miniatures and 2nd hand. So I spent a day prepping some of the figures and have painted up a few of them

The bulk of any Indian army are the archers. These are really easy to paint. Essex aren't the best figures but they are perfectly serviceable and I will add some posher Forged in Battle and Xyston figures as officers etc.

These archers are 4 to a 40x40mm. These means I can use them for almost all rules systems

Hard to add some detail but looking at these again I think that I may highlight some of the white on the loincloth to make them pop more. The tufts are Tajimal are essential 

In total I have painted 15 bases and have another 9 to go to finish the archers

 Whilst archers are the backbone of the army it is the elephants that provide the headbut. This army has many

These figures are nice, not overly dynamic but well sculpted

Painting the designs on the blanket and the elephant is fun and will get better as I get used to it

I've been painting other stuff, 1st two bonus rounds are completed (ish). But I have 3 main tasks for this years challenge, these Indians, complete my Norman army and sort out the bits and pieces that I need to finish off parts of my collection.

So I have a sprue of female zombie hunters that I picked up at a bargain price from Warlord and will be painting these during the challenge. First up is Alice, she was chased out of her trailer when the zombies took over, although I'm surprised anybody noticed the change on the trailer park

She's not a woman to mess with

Although she does look a bit like a drag queen

So on to the points

1x28mm = 5
60 x 15mm foot = 120
2 elephants = 6 crew = 12 plus the elephants which I've classed as vehicles so another 16
giving a grand total of 153 pts.


Don't feel too bad Martin, I think many of us had our 'daily dietary requirements' pummelled into submission by repeated festive feasts. Personally, I feel like an overstuffed but content walrus.

Nice Christmas haul with the Indian army!  The archers' monopose is covered nicely in that, by necessity, they all have to take the same pose to do their job. They look excellent all mobbed together in their formations. Elephants are always a crowd-pleaser and these don't disappoint.  I like the hand-painted blanket patterns on the elephants' tack.

I think the French would term Alice as, 'enorme formidable'.  Hey, she might be from the wrong side of the tracks, but with that RPG we can clearly see that this woman knows how to accessorise. The 'classy' tattoo is a nice touch as well (I had written something else, but the manners my mother hard-wired into me made me delete it). :)

With a few pips added for the bespoke blankets, that puts this entry at a very tidy 155 points. Lovely work Martin!

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