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From ClintB - 28mm Harpies (25 Points)

Yes I know, full and partial nudity. No, I was not painting in the nod! Well not this time! I do of course refer to the figures and being honest I don't think much of these Foundry sculpts. I am not saying I could do better, I KNOW I could not. But I am saying these do not seem up to their normal standard. Still enough whining and on to the figures.

5 28mm Harpy figures from Foundy's Greek Myth range. When I checked their range I noticed that they make both feathered wings and more bat like wings. I was not aware of that when I got this pack on eBay but I do now. Not that it would stop me I think I would have gotten the bat wings for choice.

Anatomically they are not like most Greek ladies most noticeable in the legs which definitely have a more avian feel to them. The first 3 are all the same species of Harpies. While the last two are somewhat different. I went for blond hair as they are mythical creatures and gives a good contrast to the purple of the wings.

As you can see the last two are different from the other Harpies. One has human legs (but a contorted face as "She" is eating some flesh. While the last one has "her" wings attached to her arms. In all the other sculpts the wings and the arms are separate, yet all are single piece castings.

While these are done well enough for a game they are only done to a wargames standard. But they are now ready for some "7th Voyage" or "Songs of Blades and Heroes" action, which is something I want a go at this year..... Greek myth wargaming.

From Curt:

You know, I actually quite like them Clint. They are perhaps a bit rough and brutal looking but it seems to fit well for the subject matter. The choice of going with blonde/golden hair was a great one. I also like the background you used in your photos Clint - very 'epic'.

...and what was that witty harpie joke you had? Oh, I can't remember... :)

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